23 Months Old!

Dear sweet babies, Twenty-three months old! Ack! You're getting so big, and capable, and interesting. Here's what you did and learned as 22 month olds. This month has been the last of the beautiful fall weather! We've been doing lots of outings and walks to let you burn off energy outdoors. We're already a little... Continue Reading →

2014 Oregon Coast Daytrips!

Spending the day out in nature or on a little roadtrip is just the kind of thing that PNW'ers are supposed to do. Up to now we've only done it sparingly (because, you know, twins...also, we're lazy sometimes), but after our second great coast overnight this summer, when the dudes had such a good time... Continue Reading →

22 Months

Dear sweet babies, Happy 22 months! You seem to be having a lot of fun learning and doing so many things. Here's what you did and learned as 21 month olds: You are picking up a lot more words, including: aunty, uncle, hello (both with and without the pronounced L sound), peekaboo (which sounds like... Continue Reading →

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