Before and After Baby Tips

What I'm glad I did before babies were born: Joined the local twins' club (the classified section was a huge help; we got to shop early at the club consignment sale; we got to meet other new and expectant twin families in town) Took photos every week to document my belly growth (see them here!)... Continue Reading →

Things I still think about, six months later

I wrote this over a year ago, when my babies were only a few months old. I never published it at the time partly because I wasn't sure how it would be received--I never read  about these kinds of opinions and experiences. And partly because after I wrote this, I realized that I felt a... Continue Reading →

Expectant Mamas: Giveaway!

  I have never been a huge fan of e-books and e-readers, or at least the idea of them; I am such a book lover and the tactile experience of a real book is just priceless to me. Now, I did take my husband's first, old Kindle on some work trips and vacations, and the... Continue Reading →

Things I Wish I Had Known

I read a lot, in general. So of course when I was pregnant, I was excited to read books and blogs and learn new things about pregnancy and babies. However, I was disappointed because all the books (hahaha, "all the books"; I read like three) and blogs have the same old information. Fetus size compared... Continue Reading →

The Recovery

Today marks two weeks post-baby, and there are still lots of changes going on body-wise. Almost all of the PUPPS rash has faded and now the scratch scabs are finally healing. So glad that I don't look like a leper anymore. My feet started swelling this summer. Certainly by mid-August they were puffy pregnancy feet.... Continue Reading →

What I will and won’t miss

I will miss: --how easy it is to take care of babies when they're on the inside. --how quiet babies are when they're on the inside! 🙂 --freedom. --sleeping an entire night. --taking a nap if I want to. --a smaller wardrobe. I kind of like having only a few options for clothes that will... Continue Reading →


There are many things that I am and have been very thankful for over the past eight months, and I want to acknowledge them. Perfect timing with this early Thanksgiving! * I am so, so lucky to be on my husband's health insurance. My full-time employment has been on and off for the last three... Continue Reading →

Failing to Plan

McSweeney's: Jamie and Jeff's Birth Plan Mom Stories: I'm Still Mad About My Birth Story. You? Thankful for a Cesarean Delivery ------ One of the hardest things for me as the end of this pregnancy journey nears is how it's all going to end. With twins, a lot of birthing options go right out the... Continue Reading →

DIY Maternity Photos

If we had the budget for it, I would have loved to do a professional maternity photo session. This is a once in a lifetime experience (we hope!), and I know that I will enjoy looking back on the photographic evidence of this pregnancy journey. Alas, we don't have that budget. I do plan to... Continue Reading →

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