New York City with kids!

Before we had kids, Mr. A and I talked about celebrating our ten-year anniversary by returning to our wedding site with them (the Shakespeare Garden in Central Park). August 2020 was our ten-year anniversary, so we had planned to finally make the trip and bring the boys to the Big Apple! Whoops, a pandemic. We... Continue Reading →

Lincoln City, Summer 2018

Every summer we've taken a family overnight trip to the Oregon Coast. (In addition to occasional daytrips through the year.) This year we semi-reluctantly chose Lincoln City. There's no big attraction there really, so we weren't sure if there would be enough to do. We were pleasantly surprised and enjoyed our two days! First, we... Continue Reading →

A Week in Maui!

My little brother got married in Maui this November. I got to spend six nights there with my family, and Andy stayed home with the boys. Not too shabby!! It was gorgeous and peaceful and wonderful. Obviously! It was a pretty quiet week, with a lot of quality family time and relaxed hanging out. This... Continue Reading →

Astoria! Coast Trip 2017

Our summer coast adventure this summer was to Astoria! We hadn't been there before, so it was fun to explore a new place. We went on Labor Day for two nights, so there weren't too many people aorund. Unfortunately, it was also when that horrible Eagle Creek fire started, and the smoke followed us all... Continue Reading →


This is my new friend Jeff. He rescued me from a riptide in Maui. That morning, my sister and I went snorkeling at Honolua. It was amaaazing. The sky was perfect. The little cove is totally protected from wind so there are zero waves. It wasn't very crowded. There were sea turtles! We were snorkeling... Continue Reading →

Family trip in Washington, DC!

Here's Part 2 of our first big trip--actually being in Washington, DC. (Part 1 was our flying experience) I booked us at the Hampton Inn near the Convention Center. It was pretty near to two Metro stations, and since that was our only mode of transport, it was very important. Back when I was traveling... Continue Reading →

Flying with Twin Toddlers

We have just completed our first plane trip with our 2.5 year old boys, which obviously makes me a top expert in the field of traveling with toddlers! Haha, obviously that's a joke. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how well the long weekend went overall, and wanted to share some tidbits in case they're... Continue Reading →

My New Favorite Family Photo

We took a daytrip to the beach this weekend. It was not without its stressors (mainly toddler tantrums, which happen anywhere), but in general it was a great day. And EFF YEAH, look at this shot--it was EXACTLY what I wanted!

Summer Bucket List #7: The Coast!!

Woohoo, we finally made it to the coast! This was the outing I've been most looking forward to all year! This was our first 'real' vacation with the babies. We've only stayed overnight at someone's house before, but after the success earlier this summer, we were hopeful that the babies would do okay with a... Continue Reading →

Summer Bucket List #2: Mt Hood!

Please make sure to visit my photography page for non-family, beautiful-scenery-only photos! Last week we finally went to Mt Hood! I've been so excited to go there for months. This is one of the two outings I've been most looking forward to this summer, and I'm so happy we finally went! We decided to go... Continue Reading →

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