Things I still think about, six months later

I wrote this over a year ago, when my babies were only a few months old. I never published it at the time partly because I wasn't sure how it would be received--I never read  about these kinds of opinions and experiences. And partly because after I wrote this, I realized that I felt a... Continue Reading →

Holy Shitballs, We Have Babies: The birth day

On Tuesday, November 20, we went in for the weekly non-stress test and doctor appointment. I was 36 weeks pregnant. The previous Friday/Saturday, I had developed what I was pretty sure was PUPPS, and it had spread and worsened rapidly. The monitoring went well, but my blood pressure was still elevated. And when the doctor... Continue Reading →

Welcome to the World!

M (left) and E (right) were born via c-section on Wednesday, November 21. We've been at the hospital since then, learning how to take care of them. The nurses have been amazing--so friendly and helpful. I wish we could take them home with us. đŸ™‚ I realized tonight that the boys haven't actually been physically... Continue Reading →

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