Bad Jeans

I hate jeans shopping. I would say I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns, but I don't even have that energy for that; jeans shopping just saps my energy and my will. It's just so defeating and seemingly pointless, because nothing ever feels right or fits right. This helpful and hilarious post/series... Continue Reading →

Couch potato

You know, I've been un-pregnant for three months now. I figured my body wouldn't hurt anymore. But somehow lately, everything kind of aches. My shoulders, my back, my hips, my calves. Most days, I spend literally 19 hours a day sitting on the couch. I also tend to hunch over when I'm at the sink... Continue Reading →

The Recovery

Today marks two weeks post-baby, and there are still lots of changes going on body-wise. Almost all of the PUPPS rash has faded and now the scratch scabs are finally healing. So glad that I don't look like a leper anymore. My feet started swelling this summer. Certainly by mid-August they were puffy pregnancy feet.... Continue Reading →

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