Pumping for Twins

I'm finally posting this on the one-year anniversary! On the babies' seven month 'birthday,' I pumped for the last time. Yes, I was finally DONE WITH PUMPING. It felt like a major decision. And for a long time I still didn't know how I felt about it! Once I knew that I didn't want to... Continue Reading →

Things I still think about, six months later

I wrote this over a year ago, when my babies were only a few months old. I never published it at the time partly because I wasn't sure how it would be received--I never read  about these kinds of opinions and experiences. And partly because after I wrote this, I realized that I felt a... Continue Reading →

One Maid A-Milking

I don't know if it makes me a bad person/woman/mother, but I don't actually want to exclusively nurse. Maybe because there are two babies and it sounds too daunting. But it makes me feel like I'd be too tied to them. I want some freedom. I want and need a second person to do feedings.... Continue Reading →

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