Helmet Graduation!

Wednesday was E's last day wearing his helmet! See you later! I realized that I never posted any follow up after that emotional first helmet post. (And once again, thank you so much for all those kind comments and support!) So I guess now is a good time to review everything that happened after that.... Continue Reading →

Thank you

Wow, thank you so much, everyone, for your kind words on the last post! So lovely and heartwarming. I am much less emotional about it now. It's been a week and a half with the helmet, and I'm pretty much used to/resigned to it. E is still doing just fine with it and doesn't seem... Continue Reading →


Our babies have flat heads. At our two-month appointment in January, I asked about it and was told not to worry (we saw a nurse practitioner for that one, not our regular doctor). At the four-month, I asked again, because they were still flat. Our pediatrician said it would probably be fine, but she said... Continue Reading →

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