Sensory Bins, Take One

Earlier this month, I suddenly thought to myself, "Oh my god! I'm stunting my babies' growth by not doing sensory bins! I need to do sensory bins, stat!" And then I looked at pinterest and like twenty resulting blog posts about sensory bins. The main thing I kept thinking was, "But my babies are going... Continue Reading →

Helmet Graduation!

Wednesday was E's last day wearing his helmet! See you later! I realized that I never posted any follow up after that emotional first helmet post. (And once again, thank you so much for all those kind comments and support!) So I guess now is a good time to review everything that happened after that.... Continue Reading →

Big Bad Apple

I lived in New York for eight years. There are a lot of great things about the city, which everyone knows: tons of cultural events, bars stay open really late, it's really easy to get around via public transportration, great restaurants everywhere, interesting and diverse mix of people, it's never boring. However, the thought of... Continue Reading →

Summer Bucket List #7: The Coast!!

Woohoo, we finally made it to the coast! This was the outing I've been most looking forward to all year! This was our first 'real' vacation with the babies. We've only stayed overnight at someone's house before, but after the success earlier this summer, we were hopeful that the babies would do okay with a... Continue Reading →

“Boys will be boys”

In response to the icky Mrs Hall post about the dirty dirty girls poisoning their precious sons' minds with 'provocative' photos on social media: This post at Put Down the Urinal Cake is a lovely, thoughtful, heartfelt reply to Mrs. Hall. Iron Daisy's post is a hilarious opposite-land 'letter' exposing Mrs Hall for exactly the... Continue Reading →

Nine months

Dear sweet babies, You are nine months old! Three quarters of a year! As always, I can't believe it. You're getting so bigĀ  and you're still so adorable and fun to hang out with. Your official stats from your 9 month checkup: M: 20lbs 14oz, 28.5 inches long E: 20lbs 4oz, 28 inches long You're... Continue Reading →

Milestone: First Haircuts!

The babies have been getting seriously shaggy-haired. It was time for professional help, so I made an appointment at Little Clippers for the day before their nine month 'birthday.' It seems to be THE place for baby/kid haircuts in the Portland area. Of course, it's in one of the Portland suburbs, which meant the total... Continue Reading →

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