The Mama Matters

I'm in a lot of online groups, and many of them revolve around parenting or babies/kids. Often there are posts from moms who are exhausted and frazzled and emotional. I never have much actual advice, but I like to chime in and say something like, "Your mental health and sanity is really important. You matter... Continue Reading →

Pumping for Twins

I'm finally posting this on the one-year anniversary! On the babies' seven month 'birthday,' I pumped for the last time. Yes, I was finally DONE WITH PUMPING. It felt like a major decision. And for a long time I still didn't know how I felt about it! Once I knew that I didn't want to... Continue Reading →

Pinspiration: Father’s Day Craft

Last spring, I decided semi-last minute to do a craft for Father's Day. I found this on Pinterest : Pinterest             /        Original source "Heartfelt quotes" aren't really our thing, and they're definitely not my husband's thing. But I figured it was a great basic idea. Here's my take on it: This was... Continue Reading →

18 months old?!

Dear sweet babies, Wow, this is such an interesting time. You are getting SO BIG but really, you're still teeny tiny little people. You are growing and learning and hugging and laughing, and we love it all. Here's the cool stuff you did as 17 month olds: You're growing well: Et: 25 pounds, 32.5 inches,... Continue Reading →

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