Life at 3.5: Spring 2016

The boys are 3 1/2! And man, we are definitely living with three-year-olds. (Though M says, "I'm thirty-five," because that's how much he weighs.) There are a lot of tantrums--most of them are about food, and most of them are when the boys are tired and/or hungry. Sometimes they're both having a tantrum at the... Continue Reading →

Things I Love Thursday: Buffets!

On some Thursdays, I’ll share something random that I’m really liking, enjoying, or appreciating. Just a little post to share a little snippet of life right now. I’d love to know if you also like these things, and what you’re randomly into these days! Let's review typical toddler behavior: They are impatient. They don't really... Continue Reading →

Family trip in Washington, DC!

Here's Part 2 of our first big trip--actually being in Washington, DC. (Part 1 was our flying experience) I booked us at the Hampton Inn near the Convention Center. It was pretty near to two Metro stations, and since that was our only mode of transport, it was very important. Back when I was traveling... Continue Reading →

Flying with Twin Toddlers

We have just completed our first plane trip with our 2.5 year old boys, which obviously makes me a top expert in the field of traveling with toddlers! Haha, obviously that's a joke. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how well the long weekend went overall, and wanted to share some tidbits in case they're... Continue Reading →

Monday Cuteness

Last night we had one of those major moments where you just go Awwwwwwwwww but you can't quite put into words the 'aw'-ness that you feel as your heart expands and melts. (We actually have this fairly often when they do things like spontaneously give each other a hug, or tell one of us that... Continue Reading →

Toddler Talk!

I think one of the best things about having toddlers is hearing their little voices, the cute ways they have of speaking, their quirks as they learn to talk. And having twin toddlers means that we get to hear them actually talk to each other--our boys totally have conversations! It's adorable and awesome and we're... Continue Reading →

Two and a Half!

Our sweet boys are 2.5! I'm not sure if much has 'changed' since they turned two, but they've definitely grown--physically, socially, developmentally. They're still a lot of fun (and a total handful sometimes, too, of course). Right now, if I had to guess their future occupations based on their current favorites, I think M would... Continue Reading →

The nightly torture

Toothbrushing. It is the bane of my existence. Or at least the bane of our evenings with toddlers. I *hate* it. We only started brushing their teeth regularly a little over a year ago. They screamed and writhed and had to be held down by a second person. I found a toothbrushing song to sing,... Continue Reading →

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