First Broken Bone!

At the end of September, M broke his arm. It happened during after-school. He fell off the monkey bars (which is sad because he LOVES monkey bars) and I guess he landed on his right arm. I was not there when it happened; I was finishing up teaching my photo class when I got the... Continue Reading →

The nightly torture

Toothbrushing. It is the bane of my existence. Or at least the bane of our evenings with toddlers. I *hate* it. We only started brushing their teeth regularly a little over a year ago. They screamed and writhed and had to be held down by a second person. I found a toothbrushing song to sing,... Continue Reading →

One good thing about me

If I am out with other people at a restaurant and the server asks about dessert, I will always immediately say, "Yes." Many women hesitate and waver and make excuses and apologies and justifications. Not me--I raise my hand as a proud dessert-haver. No excuses, no guilt. JUST DELICIOUS DESSERT. So if you're out with... Continue Reading →

Pumping for Twins

I'm finally posting this on the one-year anniversary! On the babies' seven month 'birthday,' I pumped for the last time. Yes, I was finally DONE WITH PUMPING. It felt like a major decision. And for a long time I still didn't know how I felt about it! Once I knew that I didn't want to... Continue Reading →

Milestones: Daycare and Illness

Well, we are now officially a daycare family. Two weeks ago, the babies went to daycare all by themselves. We did half days that first week, Andy doing drop off and me picking up. It all went swimmingly! They ate, they napped, they played, they didn't cry at dropoff. Woo! And then. On Friday, Ewas... Continue Reading →


Our babies have flat heads. At our two-month appointment in January, I asked about it and was told not to worry (we saw a nurse practitioner for that one, not our regular doctor). At the four-month, I asked again, because they were still flat. Our pediatrician said it would probably be fine, but she said... Continue Reading →

Couch potato

You know, I've been un-pregnant for three months now. I figured my body wouldn't hurt anymore. But somehow lately, everything kind of aches. My shoulders, my back, my hips, my calves. Most days, I spend literally 19 hours a day sitting on the couch. I also tend to hunch over when I'm at the sink... Continue Reading →


These every-three-hour feedings never stop. I mean, duh, but the time between them feels so fleeting. And I feel chained to this stupid pump. I'm so tired of doing that all the time. I'm trying to multitask, but there are always so many things I want to do at the same time (like eat or... Continue Reading →

One Maid A-Milking

I don't know if it makes me a bad person/woman/mother, but I don't actually want to exclusively nurse. Maybe because there are two babies and it sounds too daunting. But it makes me feel like I'd be too tied to them. I want some freedom. I want and need a second person to do feedings.... Continue Reading →

The Recovery

Today marks two weeks post-baby, and there are still lots of changes going on body-wise. Almost all of the PUPPS rash has faded and now the scratch scabs are finally healing. So glad that I don't look like a leper anymore. My feet started swelling this summer. Certainly by mid-August they were puffy pregnancy feet.... Continue Reading →

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