Easy high-energy games at home!

Hyped-up kids on a rainy day or dark evening? Here's a few super-easy activities to get out lots of energy and have fun--which require NO EQUIPMENT. I started offering "physical challenges" for my boys when this happens. Sometimes I offer the choice of outdoor play or physical challenges. One boy actually really likes the physical... Continue Reading →

Life at 3.5: Spring 2016

The boys are 3 1/2! And man, we are definitely living with three-year-olds. (Though M says, "I'm thirty-five," because that's how much he weighs.) There are a lot of tantrums--most of them are about food, and most of them are when the boys are tired and/or hungry. Sometimes they're both having a tantrum at the... Continue Reading →

Easter 2016!

Just as this past Halloween and Christmas felt like the boys' first 'real' holidays, this Easter was the best one yet. They were so excited about the Easter Bunny coming to visit, and doing some egg hunts. We attended a group Easter egg hunt and brunch at a golf course. They were psyched for the... Continue Reading →

This Is A Post

I hate it when I get out of the habit of blogging regularly. It seems like then it becomes a Big Deal to post something, like it has to be Important enough to break the radio silence, so to speak. I've got a couple posts percolating (some in my mind, some finally here in WP)... Continue Reading →

That Hair

This is me at three months old. I was born with a full head of hair and it never fell out. I've had lots of dark hair ever since. My hair has been medium or long since I was a kid, and it has always been thick and prone to tangling. It was long all... Continue Reading →

Bad Jeans

I hate jeans shopping. I would say I hate it with the fire of a thousand suns, but I don't even have that energy for that; jeans shopping just saps my energy and my will. It's just so defeating and seemingly pointless, because nothing ever feels right or fits right. This helpful and hilarious post/series... Continue Reading →

My Productivity Essentials

Kabbage.com wrote a great list about ways to be more productive.  It made me think about the ways I try to focus my attention and be more productive. These are all things I will need to use intelligently this year to be successful at home and at work. I'm a lifelong procrastinator, and the Internet... Continue Reading →

Looking back at 2014

Early last year I made another set of goals for 2014...And I didn't really think much about them after that. Have I mentioned that 2014 got really busy? Looking at the list, I'm a little disheartened, but I have to remind myself that the point of my goals was/is to help me focus on the... Continue Reading →

Before and After Baby Tips

What I'm glad I did before babies were born: Joined the local twins' club (the classified section was a huge help; we got to shop early at the club consignment sale; we got to meet other new and expectant twin families in town) Took photos every week to document my belly growth (see them here!)... Continue Reading →

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