Things I Love Thursday: Buffets!

On some Thursdays, I’ll share something random that I’m really liking, enjoying, or appreciating. Just a little post to share a little snippet of life right now. I’d love to know if you also like these things, and what you’re randomly into these days! Let's review typical toddler behavior: They are impatient. They don't really... Continue Reading →

Clark County Fair, with Twins

Two weekends ago, we decided to brave the Clark County Fair. It was our first big fair experience, and it was certainly an adventure! First, thank goodness we brought the stroller. (I recently got a double umbrella stroller, which is perfect for this kind of thing!) We weren't sure if we would need it, because... Continue Reading →

Monday Cuteness

Last night we had one of those major moments where you just go Awwwwwwwwww but you can't quite put into words the 'aw'-ness that you feel as your heart expands and melts. (We actually have this fairly often when they do things like spontaneously give each other a hug, or tell one of us that... Continue Reading →

2015 4th of July

Once again we had an epic family Fourth of July! We started off with our traditional holiday photo: So last year, we picked cherries and then went to Timberline. The year before, we went to Timberline and then on a little hike to waterfall. This year, we did all three! We started out by picking... Continue Reading →

2014 Oregon Coast Daytrips!

Spending the day out in nature or on a little roadtrip is just the kind of thing that PNW'ers are supposed to do. Up to now we've only done it sparingly (because, you know, twins...also, we're lazy sometimes), but after our second great coast overnight this summer, when the dudes had such a good time... Continue Reading →

Coast Vacation 2014!

After last year's successful trip to the coast, I have been so excited to do it again! This year we decided to go for two nights, to give us more time to play.   We stayed in Seaside this year, to be closer to more action. (As opposed to last year in Tillamook, where just... Continue Reading →

Tulips, take 2

As I mentioned last year, I have been looking forward to this year's outing to Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival! We found time to go on a Wednesday afternoon to avoid the big crowds. The tulips were at their peak, the sun was out--it was a gorgeous day to see some gorgeous flowers. Mt Hood in... Continue Reading →

Summer Bucket List #7: The Coast!!

Woohoo, we finally made it to the coast! This was the outing I've been most looking forward to all year! This was our first 'real' vacation with the babies. We've only stayed overnight at someone's house before, but after the success earlier this summer, we were hopeful that the babies would do okay with a... Continue Reading →

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