Two Months

Dear sweet babies, You are two months old! I can't believe it. That sounds like such a big age, and in my head I still want you to be tiny little things, but you're getting farther and farther from that. The last two months have been the longest two months in existence, and yet it's... Continue Reading →


A few of our recent challenges, along with some semi-related photos/video. * I think last week we got through the six-week growth spurt! I didn't know about growth spurts and what they involved until reading about it on my friend Ask Moxie's knowledgeable site and facebook community. Our growth spurt--or what I assumed was the... Continue Reading →


Last week Andy's parents were here, being a huge help. They did feedings so one of us could nap or do something else. We also got to go on our first post-babies date! (above: cajun tots at the Kennedy School) It's possible we are bad parents, because we didn't worry or stress about being away... Continue Reading →

Year Out, Year In

For the past four years, I've made a list of goals for the year. Not resolutions, mind you--nothing so insipid as "Get in shape!". I thought about what I wanted to do or achieve and tried to think of doable goals. Probably not a coincidence that since I was teaching at a charter school at... Continue Reading →

2012 Reading Roundup

I am a reading fiend. I love to read, and can often be found reading while doing other things, like walking, exercising, or waiting. I've been keeping a list of all the books I've read since 2002, and last year I read 112 books (tracked with the Goodreads challenge widget). This year I figured I... Continue Reading →

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