Tulip Festival!

On Thursday afternoon, we did an afternoon outing at the Woodburn Tulip Festival! Though I grew up in the Seattle suburbs, I never went to the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. I would hear about it and be so interested, but I never made the effort to actually go. A few weeks ago I was thinking... Continue Reading →

Gear for Babies and Twins, Part 3: For the House

All pregnant ladies want to know: What are the must-haves for babies? When expecting twins, that question is a little more daunting, because two babies are more daunting and more complicated! I've put together a list of the things that we use and like. Hope it will be helpful to anyone else expecting, no matter... Continue Reading →

The First Big Step

Dear sweet babies, Tonight we put you to sleep in your own room for the very first time. I can't believe that you're finally going to occupy your bedroom. You're going to be away from us! You've only ever slept in the same room with us, since the day you were born. A lot of... Continue Reading →

Having It All

Another post from over a year ago. The babies have changed so much, and yet my day-to-day mama experience is pretty much still the same. Seriously, I need more hours in the day. Hahahahahahahahaha. {breath} Hahahahahaha. That's funny. At this point I would settle for having some of it. Whatever "it" is. I currently have... Continue Reading →

Easter Funnies

Get it? Instead of Easter bunnies?? Haha! Anyway, take a look at our Easter photo attempts on Sunday afternoon. They crack me up! Poor babies. 🙂    

Lessons from the Market

Even though spring officially started over a week ago, Mother Nature really kicked it into gear this weekend. Clear blue sky, temps into the 70s. In March! In Portland! We decided that it would be a crime not to enjoy the weather, so we decided to have a Family Outing. I'd heard about the Portland... Continue Reading →

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