Mother’s Day Giveaway!

Hi friends, I try not to 'cross the streams' here, but I am really excited about the giveaway I'm running through my photography website. It's a message that I feel strongly about, as you know. (Plus I collaborated with someone who is also a former NYC teacher/blogger who moved to Portland the same time we... Continue Reading →

Expectant Mamas: Giveaway!

  I have never been a huge fan of e-books and e-readers, or at least the idea of them; I am such a book lover and the tactile experience of a real book is just priceless to me. Now, I did take my husband's first, old Kindle on some work trips and vacations, and the... Continue Reading →

Book Review and Giveaway!

I bought several pregnancy books (including What to Expect When You're Expecting) so I could keep up with my babies in utero. To prepare for outside babies, I got several more books, each with a specific focus (twins; sleep; medical stuff; soothing techniques; developmental leaps). I wondered if there was some kind of all-encompassing book... Continue Reading →

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