Nine Years Old!

E and M got to do part-time hybrid school for the spring of their 2nd grade year. Third grade was fully back to in-person. Over the summer, they got VACCINES!!! The libraries finally opened back up again! They took tennis lessons and a soccer skills class. I got them roller skates, we went back to... Continue Reading →

Eight Years Old!

These boys had quite a weird year between 7 and 8! They stayed home for more than half of it after the pandemic hit, when they were in 2nd grade. They spent a lot of time on ipads doing "school." Lots of reading, they did lots of skateboarding, and I took them on lots of... Continue Reading →

Seven Years Old!

The boys turned SEVEN years old recently! Seven really seems like the official end of little kid and beginning of just kid years. Six was a good year. They finished kindergarten and did great. Their academic skills improved a lot, they made a lot of friends, they had a lot of fun. They were definitely... Continue Reading →

Six Years Old!!

These boys are now SIX! Here's what they've been up to as five year olds. Lots of big milestones this year.   First huge milestone--they both learned to read! M began first, in the spring--just all of a sudden; and E was a little bit later. Obviously the next biggest thing is that E and M... Continue Reading →


  Here's all the stuff M and E have been up to in 2017 as four year olds and the first month of five. I read over the Four post and a lot of their behaviors and stuff is still the same. These boys are kids now. Not toddlers or little preschoolers anymore. They have lost... Continue Reading →

Four! Fall & Winter 2016

We have four year olds! Big, giant, articulate four year olds. Who give spontaneous hugs and kisses, who fall to the floor yelling about not enough cheerios in their snacky cup, who scale couches and counters, who can entertain themselves and each other, who sometimes share nicely and who sometimes fight like dogs over jammies... Continue Reading →

Life at 3.5: Spring 2016

The boys are 3 1/2! And man, we are definitely living with three-year-olds. (Though M says, "I'm thirty-five," because that's how much he weighs.) There are a lot of tantrums--most of them are about food, and most of them are when the boys are tired and/or hungry. Sometimes they're both having a tantrum at the... Continue Reading →


Dear sweet babies who are now most definitely not babies, You are THREE!! Three years old! I can't believe it. You are self-described "big kids" now. The six months between 2.5 and 3 were the most fun yet, I think. You love learning and doing things, and it's making life a lot more interesting and... Continue Reading →

Two Years Old!!

Dear sweet babies, Ok ok, you are now officially, definitely, not babies anymore. You are TWO! I am trying not to refer to you as babies as much, at least not in public. I guess I have to just call you 'boys' or 'kids' now. Sniff. E, you are 34.5 inches tall and you weight... Continue Reading →

23 Months Old!

Dear sweet babies, Twenty-three months old! Ack! You're getting so big, and capable, and interesting. Here's what you did and learned as 22 month olds. This month has been the last of the beautiful fall weather! We've been doing lots of outings and walks to let you burn off energy outdoors. We're already a little... Continue Reading →

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