Scenes From Monday Night

Once again, one of the dudes got my wallet out from my purse. They did some of the same thing as the previous day, but were also talking to each other (in gibberish) and dancing and giggling together. I lay on the couch reading my kindle. * After dinner, they were hanging out in the... Continue Reading →

Things I Love Thursday: Window Crayons!

On some Thursdays, I'll share something random that I'm really liking, enjoying, or appreciating. Just a little post to share a little snippet of life right now. I'd love to know if you also like these things, and what you're randomly into these days! I read about these on Elise's instagram or blog and figured... Continue Reading →

One good thing about me

If I am out with other people at a restaurant and the server asks about dessert, I will always immediately say, "Yes." Many women hesitate and waver and make excuses and apologies and justifications. Not me--I raise my hand as a proud dessert-haver. No excuses, no guilt. JUST DELICIOUS DESSERT. So if you're out with... Continue Reading →

Before and After Baby Tips

What I'm glad I did before babies were born: Joined the local twins' club (the classified section was a huge help; we got to shop early at the club consignment sale; we got to meet other new and expectant twin families in town) Took photos every week to document my belly growth (see them here!)... Continue Reading →

My New Favorite Family Photo

We took a daytrip to the beach this weekend. It was not without its stressors (mainly toddler tantrums, which happen anywhere), but in general it was a great day. And EFF YEAH, look at this shot--it was EXACTLY what I wanted!

21 Months Old

Dear sweet babies, You are 21 months old! You are getting more independent and opinionated--learning and growing and figuring out.        There are definitely more tantrums lately...mornings can be tough sometimes. Actually so can evenings. You have so many things you want to do and when you can't do them, you get very upset. But... Continue Reading →

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