Giving Thanks

Last Thanksgiving kind of didn't exist for us. The babies were born the day before, so our second day all together was still a hospital blur of pain medication, the tedious process of feeding babies every few hours, and being stupid with exhaustion. I don't think I even got a shower until the third day.... Continue Reading →

Twelve Months!! One Year Old!!

My dear sweet babies, You are twelve months old--you have been alive for an entire YEAR! You're a year old! I can't believe it. No, really--one year olds are practically little kids, but that can't be you yet! What happened to my tiny babies?? How has it been a year already?? I've been thinking a... Continue Reading →

Baby Room Makeover!!

Previously: My thoughts on "nurseries" and the first baby room makeover/setup. The babies have been sleeping in their room for what, six months now? They don't really spend any time there in daylight. But as they get bigger, and our living room-slash-playroom starts to feel smaller, I started to think about actually getting some fun... Continue Reading →

Modpodge Map Letters

I am so excited about this project! It turned out pretty much just like I envisioned, and it was easy and really inexpensive. Win-win! I bought 12" papier mache letters at Joann. My local store didn't have the letters I wanted, so I got them online. Sometime in the last year or two, I remembered... Continue Reading →

Sleep, sleep, sleep

The babies' sleep regression lasted a little less than three weeks. It was the same kind of regression they had earlier this year (the 4 month sleep regression that hit them around 5.5 months; this 9 month regression hit around 10 months). As far as these things go, it probably wasn't too awful--an hour to... Continue Reading →

Eleven Months

Dear sweet babies, You are eleven months old! That means, good lord, you're going to be a whole YEAR old soon! My mama heart cannot believe it. I will continue to call you my babies even after you start toddling around, and probably far after that as well. You are really starting to really become... Continue Reading →

Practicing Walking

While we were at the orchard a few weeks ago, M took my hands and started walking! (M orchard) At home, I put him on the horsey and he walked in across the room, slowly and jerkily. He kept practicing and practicing. He also started cruising along the couch, but only in one direction (to... Continue Reading →

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