Rose Garden

Last Saturday, the weather held nicely all day, so at the last minute, we decided to make a quick trip to the Rose Garden. The two of us went there on our first trip to Portland, in September 2011: Even though it was so late in the year, there were still a ton of beautiful... Continue Reading →

6 months

  Dear sweet babies, Six months! You're half a year old! What!? I can't believe it. I can never believe it, of course, but this one is a Big Deal, a Milestone kind of age. No more little babies. You're getting so big, so aware, and so interactive. You're discovering new things about your selves... Continue Reading →

The M Word

Last week was Mother's Day. My first official Mother's Day. (Last year I was secretly pregnant for Mother's Day, and also we were ending our trip in central Europe.) I was hoping that by now I would have been able to put together some words about being a mother. But...I haven't. I can't. It's so... Continue Reading →


Thanks to Ask Moxie, I learned about growth spurts and sleep regressions long before it would ever be time for our babies to go through them. I blame pretty much blame any weirdness on one or the other. However, as their four month 'birthday' came and went, I wondered if somehow we had escaped the... Continue Reading →

Rhododendron Garden

Last fall and winter, I joined a bunch of groups, in hopes of meeting people and learning about interesting places in Portland. One was a group called New to Portland Moms. Well! That's exactly who I was (or who I was about to be)! They are a very active group, with outings most days... Continue Reading →

Damn you, Google Reader

Follow my blog with Bloglovin I'm still in denial that Google Reader is going away. Stop trying to make Google+ happen! Anyway, I've 'claimed' this blog with Bloglovin. Please follow me there or with whatever other reader site you're using. 🙂 I have, no joke, 16 other drafts waiting...I need to find an entire day... Continue Reading →

Acknowledgements and Apologies

I wanted to take a moment away from all-cute-babies-all-the-time to address a few points. First and foremost, I hope I haven't offended or irritated or annoyed anyone by being preachy or braggy or something terrible like that. (If it's my personality that's annoyed you, well, you might be out of luck. :/) This having-twins thing... Continue Reading →

5 months old!

Dear sweet babies, Five months! What! You are happy, smiley babies. Happy chunky ones too--you're approximately 15 pounds and close to 25 inches. You're getting close to the end of 3m clothes. Here are some of the things you've been up to and learning this month: You discovered your voice--especially M. You figured out that... Continue Reading →

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