Before and After Baby Tips

What I'm glad I did before babies were born: Joined the local twins' club (the classified section was a huge help; we got to shop early at the club consignment sale; we got to meet other new and expectant twin families in town) Took photos every week to document my belly growth (see them here!)... Continue Reading →

December Darkness

Hallelujah, we've made it to January--past the solstice! I am so relieved. For months, I was dreading this December. Hoping it wouldn't be anything like last December. I should share that I have a mental image of the calendar year, as basically a single column of all the months (like this), so December is at... Continue Reading →


A few of our recent challenges, along with some semi-related photos/video. * I think last week we got through the six-week growth spurt! I didn't know about growth spurts and what they involved until reading about it on my friend Ask Moxie's knowledgeable site and facebook community. Our growth spurt--or what I assumed was the... Continue Reading →

First Christmas Time Capsule

Dear babies, 2012 was your first Christmas. You were five weeks old and you slept most of the day. You're still squishy, lovey babies. You weigh somewhere between 7-8 pounds and you're both around 20 inches long. You're still wearing newborn-size clothes, though you'll be ready for 0-3 month pretty soon. We grab whatever onesie... Continue Reading →

Merry Christmas!

2007 was the first year I got my own Christmas tree. It was a fake tree, twenty bucks at Target. It was a nice little tree, and I really enjoyed having a little Christmas cheer in my cozy studio apartment. In 2010, we finally bought a real tree for Christmas, and haven't looked back since.... Continue Reading →

One month

Dear E and M, Oh my goodness, I can't believe you're a month old. That you've been in our lives for a whole month. It's been the longest month of my life for sure--but that's probably the monotony and the sleep deprivation. But also, I can't believe it's been four weeks already. It's kind of... Continue Reading →


These every-three-hour feedings never stop. I mean, duh, but the time between them feels so fleeting. And I feel chained to this stupid pump. I'm so tired of doing that all the time. I'm trying to multitask, but there are always so many things I want to do at the same time (like eat or... Continue Reading →

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